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ISBC Key news

Multifunction Banking Device ISBC Pay

Currently, the volume of non-cash payments is growing. E-pays are expected to take about 55% this year. But for the strong growth to go on, both search for new opportunities and the release of innovative banking products are needed.

Experience has proven that the absolute majority of bank cards issued in Russia are debit cards. However, a sizable portion of these cards is out of use since, for a long time, there are no transactions via them, or they are very rarely used as payment tools. Mostly, these are bank cards for salary projects, many of them were issued to employees who have changed jobs by now.

As a result, the overwhelming majority of the economically active population, especially in megalopolises, has entire collections of bank cards. People perceive them as stuff having no value, and it is increasingly difficult for banks to attract new customers. The only way to steady growth is by releasing entirely new products.

In a situation where a new product has to compete with other banks’ analogues and also with a collection of practically identical cards in clients’ wallets, a paradigm shift is required. An ingenious solution to the problem is a modified form factor and increased functionality. A well-known bank card is supposed to turn into a multifunction wearable payment device.

The Russian contactless key fob ISBC Pay is a milestone in the development of payment tools. Unlike a classic bank card, it does not carry all the identifiers on its surface and thus drastically increases the security of contactless payments. For this reason, it turns into an attractive art object that the user doesn’t need to hide inside a wallet or cardholder.
The high security level allows permanent usage of RFID key fobs ISBC Key as a 
cross-functional RFID identifier. You can upload bonus, club, fuel and transport cards to it, use it as the office pass card or an e-key for the door phone. Durable and reliable, the key fob is perfect for car keys and very convenient for carrying home keys with you. The peculiar design is catching, and the integration of all types of access allows using it 10 times a day.
RFID key fobs ISBC Key have been in use for a long time already in most regions of Russia. They are very convenient for schoolchildren, harmless to health and waterproof. If you put your RFID key fob in the pocket before washing, be sure that you won't lose a penny from your account and will use this multifunction payment device for a long time after that.
That is why the key fob ISBC Pay is the optimal solution for issuing bank cards for teens or a forgetful girl-friend. Even if you lose a card, nobody can use it to pay online, and contactless payments for the sum over 1,000 rubles will require entering a PIN code. Of course, losing a card can bring losses. But with fast blocking, a key fob without the owner's data on its surface is much safer than regular cards.

A tremendous advantage of ISBC Key compared with smartphones is its energy self-sufficiency. A discharged mobile phone is not something unusual, and you won’t be able to pay with it. Besides, when showing expensive phones, you can attract the attention of bad guys. That is why the RFID key fob, compact and reliable, doesn’t need battery charging, it’s the optimal solution for contactless payments.

Combining security, multitasking, unique design, reliability and energy independence, ISBC Key designed by the ISBC Group of Companies provides new opportunities for developing banking. People more often use an RFID key fob to make payments since they don’t need to hide it from prying eyes. The unique design gives the customers reason to order new bank cards in the form of key fobs, providing an improved rate for the issuing bank.

The key fob ISBC Pay becomes a new stage in the development of bank cards where multifunctional wearable devices significantly increase the security level and make contactless payments simpler.